Maintenance Services


A review service, suggested 1-2 months after the initial consultation. This serves to refine or ground newly implemented changes and understandings.

Hourly                                                                 75.00

Two hour session                                               130.00

Update and Ongoing

A maintenance service, suggested 6 months+ after initial consultation. This serves to ensure that, firstly, initial improvements are being kept up to standard and secondly that any further improvements can be identified and action can be taken.

Hourly                                                                75.00

Two hour session                                               130.00

Ongoing maintenance (interior clients only)

A maintenance service, suggested as an ongoing service after the initial consultation. This serves to ensure all improvements are maintained on a continuous basis and any necessary further improvements are identified in an efficient manner.

Hourly                                                               75.00

Two hours per week (on monthly basis)             360.00 p/m