Zetta Kanta - The Cross, 2020

Zetta Kanta - The Cross, 2020


2020 - Felted Wool, Hemp and Silk - 1250 x 600

Zetta Kanta - award winning fibre artist works with wool and silk to create impressionist style modern wallhangings and tapestries that resemble more a painting than a non woven fabric.

Her wall hangings are very tactile and highlights our need to return to nature and feel its pulse.
Raw fibres, textures and natural materials have always fascinated Zetta.

'They are beautiful in their original state, so it gives me a confidence that the end result will be equally appealing to the human eye. My works not only carry a statement with visual impact, but also invite a tactile experience provoking memories from a deeper sub-conscious level, allowing us to reciprocate emotions that are familiar to us, but lying dormant.
There is a story behind each piece. I make an emotion that I carry and release in the world through this window to bring the message of environment, mindfulness and sustainability. Less is more: a cliché, yet, so true.
My works are raw and totally natural. I hope to show honesty and the wildness of our surroundings in my work. This is of the utmost important to me. Feelings of unpretentiousness, nakedness and fragility dwell in my heart, yet strength and boldness seems to reflect in my work.'

Zetta has successfully exhibited in Melbourne, Sydney and Queensland and her works have travelled as far as USA, Germany and Asia.

Contact us to discuss this work further and commission pieces

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